
Simply Steamboat


How I went from burnt out property management to feeling fulfilled in my career (while increasing growth 300% after a stagnant period).


I’m the kinda gal who needs to make things happen. When business feels stuck, I know that something needs to shift. That’s where I found myself in 2017.

I had achieved 100% growth over two years, growing Simply Steamboat from 25 to 50 units. As a result, I went into full-on operations mode to keep up with the work.



Despite being so busy, we didn’t grow much over the next four years.

I wasn’t able to propel the business forward and create big changes because I was too involved in the day-to-day operations.


I became burnt out. After a while, the work lost its spark for me.

I felt bored despite working so much. Like I was spinning my wheels and getting nowhere.

I was bogged down in the minutiae of the business. I’d taken on too many details that could have been carried out by my capable staff.


My strengths didn’t match my work anymore.

I wanted to feel excited about business again, but I didn’t know how to get there.

I needed to align my strengths to the work I wanted to do. That’s when I realized that I was most in my element during the growth phase.


How I shifted my perspective—and transformed my business.

Once I realized that Simply Steamboat needed to shift back into a growth phase, I knew I needed a mindset change.

So I hired a coach.

I learned how to effectively delegate. (Which is so much more than simply passing off tasks to someone else. It involved empowerment as much as it did reorganization.)

I got clear on my goals: professional, financial, and personal. I integrated each of my goals so that they would work with each other, rather than in opposition.

I spent time becoming aware of how I work, and how I feel when I work. This awareness became my compass. It guided what I did, and how I did it. It helped me make decisions.

How I helped my team to grow.

I created an environment of growth for my team, the owners, and even our guests.

I helped team members work to their strengths (and hired them to fill the holes).

I was able to implement big ideas. I finally had the energy and enthusiasm to do the work that lay ahead. And I still had time to fulfill my personal goals.

Everything shifted.

When all of my goals were aligned and working together, the business took off.

At that time, I had the opportunity to sell Simply Steamboat to a large property management company, and stay on to continue to grow the business.

I did just that.

  • Purchased Simply Steamboat in 2010.

  • Grew from 25–50 units by 2012.

  • Period of burnout

  • Then experienced sloowwww growth from 2012–2016.

  • In 2017, I transformed how I do business.

  • Within a two year period...

I grew the business 300% to 150 homes under management by 2018. (And from 10 employees to 45.)

Employees were empowered and engaged, owners were happy, and guests were pleased.

Once I shifted my mindset, I was able to make changes across the business that pulled us out of the rut we were in and catapulted our growth. As a result, we built a solid reputation for Simply Steamboat.


I had purchased a business and successfully sold it within a few years, smoothly navigating our growing pains while fulfilling my career goals to do work I love.


If you find yourself in a stagnant, uninspired rut like I was, or if you simply want to break through the constraints in your own property management business, I can help you.

Book a call to find out how we can collaborate to move the needle in your business.